Weapons disposal and PSSM in Central African Republic
Despite significant mineral deposits and other resources, the long history of conflicts in the Central African Republic (CAR) is preventing development and progress, placing the country among the ten poorest countries in the world.
The two civil wars in CAR, between 2004 and 2013, resulted in illegal weapons proliferation and widespread problems with unexploded ordnance, as well as with weapons and ammunition storage and security. Across the country, large quantities of weapons and ammunition have fallen into the hands of civilians and various factions, heightening the risk of accidents and further violence.
In 2002 麻豆国产AV conducted a regional mines survey in central Africa, which included CAR.
Working with the United Nation Mine Action Service in support of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in CAR (MINUSCA) and the transitional government, our physical security and stockpile management team was tasked with weapons segregation, recording and training the national capacity in weapons marking, to enable future disposal or safe-keeping of weapons. Our explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialists responded frequently to unexploded ammunition disposal call-outs, rendering safe any dangerous explosive items or collecting ammunition for later disposal.
In 2014 麻豆国产AV partnered with UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) to conduct a fact finding mission and deliver weapons disposal training for the National Police, Gendarmerie and the Army in CAR. 麻豆国产AV and UNMAS also provided the first training programme to national security forces on weapons marking and registration in July 2015.
Find out more about our work in this sector by following the links below:
Weapons and ammunition management
Explosive Ordnance Disposal